The Musical World of Mic Pogo

Listen to Mic Pogo's musical art on his most recent album, "Animus Crioch", just released on August 20th, 2021. This album consists of 17 total tracks: all original and all new. Stream and/or download the album in the Bandcamp link below - the featured song is “Nine Stages of Purgatory Jelly”. It is free to download, or you can pay if you wish, but I simply love giving my music away to inspire others’ musical creativity for creating and listening. I feel my well of creativity is endless and infinite, never restricted, genre-less, and without boundaries.


Listen to Mic Pogo's album from 2018, 'Appease The Banshee'….

me on drums small.jpg
Thoughts Of India - 2000

Thoughts Of India - 2000

Alchemy - 2001

Alchemy - 2001

Seasalty Animal Dreams - 2003

Seasalty Animal Dreams - 2003

Girls Thrills Hills Chills - 2004

Girls Thrills Hills Chills - 2004

2100 (A Musical Time Capsule) - 2005

2100 (A Musical Time Capsule) - 2005

Asleep In Another World (EP) - 2006

Asleep In Another World (EP) - 2006

Ghettotechnical - 2007

Ghettotechnical - 2007

Kali Yuga - 2007

Kali Yuga - 2007

Se A O - 2010

Se A O - 2010

Old Earth Party, Creation - 2011

Old Earth Party, Creation - 2011

Appease The Banshee - 2018

Appease The Banshee - 2018